Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Harry potter and cricket?

Years and years go by, but the love for Harry Potter series didn't seem to fade away even by a percentage or more. The book lovers had lived at the Hogwarts while reading every single page from the Harry Potter series whereas the movie has given an unimaginable insight to what the school of Wizardry would look like to its viewers. A fiction turning into virtual projection of perfect satisfaction. Considering a totally different segment from the world of sports, a famous game of Cricket and relating it to the above mentioned and world famous the Harry Potter series doesn't make any sense. Putting a light on this senseless consideration, below are nine such pictures that one could possibly end up relating to in their very own Cricket and Harry Potter imaginary-way. 

1) "Eternal glory!"

Because these aren't just trophies. 

2) The Levitation Charm.

The 'Levitation Charm' is a charm to make the objects fly, surely Tendulkar had Wingardium-Leviosa-ed the cricket ball magnificently all these years. 

3) Quidditch or Cricket?

But in the world of cricket, ain't nobody got time for a Nimbus-2000-Broom.

4) Expelliarmus  

Sometimes a 'disarming curse' is all you need to beat your opposition. So simply Expelliarmus.

5) Oh! The Sorting Hat?

Luke Ronchi knows the feel Harry. 

6) Twins.

Well, seems legit. 

7) A real battle is never over. 

The Ashes are no less than a battle. 

8) Keep your enemies closer.

Pollard kept his Indies friend close but his IPL enemy closer. 

9) Do not panic. 

But it doesn't look good. 

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